SkillStat is your learning partner.
Sure, our teaching approach helps you gets you skilled up faster than traditional ways of preparing for medical emergencies. But the course is just the beginning. we think keeping these skills is what really counts. that’s why we promise to continue developing new methods and tools that help you stay ready to put these skills into action at a moments notice. we’d like to think this makes us a good partner, not just a company you talk to once every two years when you need a refresh.
We Keep Learning – From You.
Keeping things simple requires we continue to learn from you about what works and what doesn’t. As we continue to innovate new ap- proaches to learning and keeping these vital skills, we promise to keep your feedback and participation at the heart of everything we do.
Your Success is Guaranteed.
If you ever leave a course feeling like you didn’t quite get it, you are welcome to repeat that course anytime in the following six weeks, for free. If you’re ever unsatisfied with a learning experience with us for any reason, you are entitled to a 100% refund.