EASI Lead System

The EASI (TM) lead system uses a 5 cable connector to estimate a 12 lead ECG.

In an effort to reap the advantages of 12 lead views while keeping the monitoring system practical, reduced-lead set technologies have been developed using five or six lead wires. Phillips Medical Systems developed the EASI (TM) lead system using a 5-cable system to estimate a 12 lead ECG. General Electric Medical Systems developed the Interpolated 12 lead system using a 6-cable system.

The EASI (TM) lead system uses a 5 cable connector. The electrodes are configured as follows:

– the brown electrode (labelled E on the electrode) is located along the sternum between the white and red electrodes, horizontal with the 5th ICS;

– the red electrode (labelled A on the electrode) is located opposite the white electrode, at the left mid-axillary line at the 5th ICS;

– the black electrode (labelled S on the electrode) is located along the upper sternum below the sternal angle;

– the white electrode (labelled I on the electrode) is located at the right mid-axillary line at the 5th ICS;

– the green or ground electrode can be positioned at a convenient location anywhere on the torso.

The EASI (TM) lead system has a well established track record, being utilized by the Zymed and Agilent cardiac monitors among others.

Regardless of the ECG lead system used, effective dysrhythmia and ischemia monitoring is possible only with quality ECG tracings. The use of fresh electrodes and the preparation of the patient’s skin are all important steps to reduce motion artifact. Accurate placement of the ECG electrodes ensure consistent ECG readings that are worthy of comparison.

If at all possible, take advantage of multiple lead views including lead V1. Multiple lead views, particularly the reduced-lead set 12 lead ECG, are superior to a single lead view whatever the purpose of ECG monitoring. Before moving ahead, challenge yourself to a flash quiz on the cardiac monitoring system.

Figure 4.6 The EASI (TM) Lead System

Figure 4.6 illustrates the EASI (TM) lead system. The electrodes which are labelled according to the acronym EASI are colored as shown:






1. Six Second ECG Guidebook (2012), T Barill, p. 71-73

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The SkillStat Team

  Six Second ECG Intensive Six Second ECG Mastery 12 Lead ECG & ACS 12 Lead Advanced



Any Six Second ECG Course

12 Lead ECG & ACS

Time Frame

8 hours (1-day Course or 2 evenings)

20 hours 3-day Course

8 hours 1-day Course

8 hours 1-day Course






Completion Card
Exam and Certification
SkillStat 2U-able
Reference materials included
Dynamic ECG rhythm interpretation
Static ECG rhythm interpretation
Clinical Impact Mapping
Acute Coronary Syndromes Overview
Acute Coronary Syndromes In-Depth
ST Segment & T Wave Differential
Identify Bundle Branch Blocks
15 | 18 Lead View Mapping
Electrical Axis
R Wave Progression
Left Bundle Branch Blocks with ACS
Atypical Findings
Acute Non-Ischemic Disease Conditions
Special Cases

•-included;     ○-reviewed