We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.


Vancouver Tuesday Day, Tuesday Evening

  • Day
    Oct 29 20198:30a - 4:00p
  • Evening
    Oct 29 20196:00p - 9:00p

EE_Ticket Object
    [_ticket_total_with_taxes:EE_Ticket:private] => 
    [_props_n_values_provided_in_constructor:protected] => Array
            [TKT_ID] => 18930
            [TTM_ID] => 0
            [TKT_name] => ACLS INSTRUCTOR COURSE.......$400+GST
            [TKT_description] => 
            [TKT_start_date] => 2015-07-20 07:00:00
            [TKT_end_date] => 2019-10-29 01:00:00
            [TKT_min] => 1
            [TKT_max] => 1
            [TKT_price] => 420.000
            [TKT_sold] => 11
            [TKT_qty] => 12
            [TKT_reserved] => 0
            [TKT_uses] => -1
            [TKT_required] => 1
            [TKT_taxable] => 0
            [TKT_is_default] => 0
            [TKT_order] => 1
            [TKT_row] => 1
            [TKT_deleted] => 0
            [TKT_wp_user] => 1
            [TKT_parent] => 0

    [_timezone:protected] => America/Vancouver
    [_dt_frmt:protected] => F j, Y
    [_tm_frmt:protected] => g:i a
    [_cached_properties:protected] => Array
            [TKT_ID] => Array
                    [standard] => 18930


    [_model_relations:protected] => Array
            [Datetime] => Array

            [Datetime_Ticket] => Array

            [Price] => Array

            [Ticket_Template] => 
            [Registration] => Array

            [WP_User] => 
            [Extra_Meta] => Array

            [Change_Log] => Array


    [_fields:protected] => Array
            [TKT_ID] => 18930
            [TTM_ID] => 0
            [TKT_name] => ACLS INSTRUCTOR COURSE.......$400+GST
            [TKT_description] => 
            [TKT_start_date] => EventEspresso\core\domain\entities\DbSafeDateTime Object
                    [_datetime_string:protected] => 
                    [_error_log_dir:protected] => 
                    [date] => 2015-07-20 00:00:00.000000
                    [timezone_type] => 3
                    [timezone] => America/Vancouver

            [TKT_end_date] => EventEspresso\core\domain\entities\DbSafeDateTime Object
                    [_datetime_string:protected] => 
                    [_error_log_dir:protected] => 
                    [date] => 2019-10-28 18:00:00.000000
                    [timezone_type] => 3
                    [timezone] => America/Vancouver

            [TKT_min] => 1
            [TKT_max] => 1
            [TKT_price] => 420
            [TKT_sold] => 11
            [TKT_qty] => 12
            [TKT_reserved] => 0
            [TKT_uses] => INF
            [TKT_required] => 1
            [TKT_taxable] => 
            [TKT_is_default] => 
            [TKT_order] => 1
            [TKT_row] => 1
            [TKT_deleted] => 
            [TKT_wp_user] => 1
            [TKT_parent] => 0

    [_allow_persist:protected] => 1
    [_has_changes:protected] => 
    [_model:protected] => EEM_Ticket Object
            [_values_already_prepared_by_model_object:EEM_Base:private] => 0
            [singular_item:protected] => Ticket
            [plural_item:protected] => Tickets
            [_tables:protected] => Array
                    [Ticket] => EE_Primary_Table Object
                            [_table_name] => esp_ticket
                            [_table_alias] => Ticket
                            [_pk_column:protected] => TKT_ID
                            [_global:protected] => 


            [_fields:protected] => Array
                    [Ticket] => Array
                            [TKT_ID] => EE_Primary_Key_Int_Field Object
                                    [_model_name_pointed_to:protected] => Ticket
                                    [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                                    [_table_column:protected] => TKT_ID
                                    [_name:protected] => TKT_ID
                                    [_nicename:protected] => Ticket ID
                                    [_nullable:protected] => 
                                    [_default_value:protected] => 0
                                    [_other_config:protected] => 
                                    [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                                    [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => integer
                                    [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                                    [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                            [TTM_ID] => EE_Foreign_Key_Int_Field Object
                                    [_model_name_pointed_to:protected] => Ticket_Template
                                    [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                                    [_table_column:protected] => TTM_ID
                                    [_name:protected] => TTM_ID
                                    [_nicename:protected] => Ticket Template ID
                                    [_nullable:protected] => 
                                    [_default_value:protected] => 0
                                    [_other_config:protected] => 
                                    [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                                    [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => integer
                                    [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                                    [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                            [TKT_name] => EE_Plain_Text_Field Object
                                    [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                                    [_table_column:protected] => TKT_name
                                    [_name:protected] => TKT_name
                                    [_nicename:protected] => Ticket Name
                                    [_nullable:protected] => 
                                    [_default_value:protected] => 
                                    [_other_config:protected] => 
                                    [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                                    [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => string
                                    [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                                    [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                            [TKT_description] => EE_Post_Content_Field Object
                                    [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                                    [_table_column:protected] => TKT_description
                                    [_name:protected] => TKT_description
                                    [_nicename:protected] => Description of Ticket
                                    [_nullable:protected] => 
                                    [_default_value:protected] => 
                                    [_other_config:protected] => 
                                    [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                                    [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => object
                                    [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                                    [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                            [TKT_start_date] => EE_Datetime_Field Object
                                    [_date_format:protected] => Y-m-d\TH:i:sP
                                    [_time_format:protected] => 
                                    [_pretty_date_format:protected] => F j, Y
                                    [_pretty_time_format:protected] => g:i a
                                    [_DateTimeZone:protected] => DateTimeZone Object
                                            [timezone_type] => 3
                                            [timezone] => America/Vancouver

                                    [_UTC_DateTimeZone:protected] => 
                                    [_blog_DateTimeZone:protected] => 
                                    [_date_time_output:protected] => 
                                    [_timezone_string:protected] => America/Vancouver
                                    [_blog_offset:protected] => 
                                    [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                                    [_table_column:protected] => TKT_start_date
                                    [_name:protected] => TKT_start_date
                                    [_nicename:protected] => Start time/date of Ticket
                                    [_nullable:protected] => 
                                    [_default_value:protected] => now
                                    [_other_config:protected] => 
                                    [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                                    [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => string
                                    [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => date-time
                                    [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                            [TKT_end_date] => EE_Datetime_Field Object
                                    [_date_format:protected] => Y-m-d\TH:i:sP
                                    [_time_format:protected] => 
                                    [_pretty_date_format:protected] => F j, Y
                                    [_pretty_time_format:protected] => g:i a
                                    [_DateTimeZone:protected] => DateTimeZone Object
                                            [timezone_type] => 3
                                            [timezone] => America/Vancouver

                                    [_UTC_DateTimeZone:protected] => 
                                    [_blog_DateTimeZone:protected] => 
                                    [_date_time_output:protected] => 
                                    [_timezone_string:protected] => America/Vancouver
                                    [_blog_offset:protected] => 
                                    [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                                    [_table_column:protected] => TKT_end_date
                                    [_name:protected] => TKT_end_date
                                    [_nicename:protected] => End time/date of Ticket
                                    [_nullable:protected] => 
                                    [_default_value:protected] => now
                                    [_other_config:protected] => 
                                    [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                                    [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => string
                                    [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => date-time
                                    [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                            [TKT_min] => EE_Integer_Field Object
                                    [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                                    [_table_column:protected] => TKT_min
                                    [_name:protected] => TKT_min
                                    [_nicename:protected] => Minimum quantity of this ticket that must be purchased
                                    [_nullable:protected] => 
                                    [_default_value:protected] => 0
                                    [_other_config:protected] => 
                                    [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                                    [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => integer
                                    [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                                    [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                            [TKT_max] => EE_Infinite_Integer_Field Object
                                    [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                                    [_table_column:protected] => TKT_max
                                    [_name:protected] => TKT_max
                                    [_nicename:protected] => Maximum quantity of this ticket that can be purchased in one transaction
                                    [_nullable:protected] => 
                                    [_default_value:protected] => INF
                                    [_other_config:protected] => 
                                    [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                                    [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => Array
                                            [0] => integer
                                            [1] => null

                                    [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                                    [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                            [TKT_price] => EE_Money_Field Object
                                    [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                                    [_table_column:protected] => TKT_price
                                    [_name:protected] => TKT_price
                                    [_nicename:protected] => Final calculated price for ticket
                                    [_nullable:protected] => 
                                    [_default_value:protected] => 0
                                    [_other_config:protected] => 
                                    [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                                    [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => object
                                    [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                                    [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                            [TKT_sold] => EE_Integer_Field Object
                                    [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                                    [_table_column:protected] => TKT_sold
                                    [_name:protected] => TKT_sold
                                    [_nicename:protected] => Number of this ticket sold
                                    [_nullable:protected] => 
                                    [_default_value:protected] => 0
                                    [_other_config:protected] => 
                                    [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                                    [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => integer
                                    [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                                    [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                            [TKT_qty] => EE_Infinite_Integer_Field Object
                                    [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                                    [_table_column:protected] => TKT_qty
                                    [_name:protected] => TKT_qty
                                    [_nicename:protected] => Quantity of this ticket that is available
                                    [_nullable:protected] => 
                                    [_default_value:protected] => INF
                                    [_other_config:protected] => 
                                    [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                                    [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => Array
                                            [0] => integer
                                            [1] => null

                                    [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                                    [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                            [TKT_reserved] => EE_Integer_Field Object
                                    [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                                    [_table_column:protected] => TKT_reserved
                                    [_name:protected] => TKT_reserved
                                    [_nicename:protected] => Quantity of this ticket that is reserved, but not yet fully purchased
                                    [_nullable:protected] => 
                                    [_default_value:protected] => 0
                                    [_other_config:protected] => 
                                    [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                                    [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => integer
                                    [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                                    [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                            [TKT_uses] => EE_Infinite_Integer_Field Object
                                    [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                                    [_table_column:protected] => TKT_uses
                                    [_name:protected] => TKT_uses
                                    [_nicename:protected] => Number of datetimes this ticket can be used at
                                    [_nullable:protected] => 
                                    [_default_value:protected] => INF
                                    [_other_config:protected] => 
                                    [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                                    [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => Array
                                            [0] => integer
                                            [1] => null

                                    [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                                    [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                            [TKT_required] => EE_Boolean_Field Object
                                    [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                                    [_table_column:protected] => TKT_required
                                    [_name:protected] => TKT_required
                                    [_nicename:protected] => Flag indicating whether this ticket must be purchased with a transaction
                                    [_nullable:protected] => 
                                    [_default_value:protected] => 
                                    [_other_config:protected] => 
                                    [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                                    [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => boolean
                                    [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                                    [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                            [TKT_taxable] => EE_Boolean_Field Object
                                    [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                                    [_table_column:protected] => TKT_taxable
                                    [_name:protected] => TKT_taxable
                                    [_nicename:protected] => Flag indicating whether there is tax applied on this ticket
                                    [_nullable:protected] => 
                                    [_default_value:protected] => 
                                    [_other_config:protected] => 
                                    [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                                    [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => boolean
                                    [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                                    [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                            [TKT_is_default] => EE_Boolean_Field Object
                                    [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                                    [_table_column:protected] => TKT_is_default
                                    [_name:protected] => TKT_is_default
                                    [_nicename:protected] => Flag indicating that this ticket is a default ticket
                                    [_nullable:protected] => 
                                    [_default_value:protected] => 
                                    [_other_config:protected] => 
                                    [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                                    [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => boolean
                                    [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                                    [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                            [TKT_order] => EE_Integer_Field Object
                                    [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                                    [_table_column:protected] => TKT_order
                                    [_name:protected] => TKT_order
                                    [_nicename:protected] => The order in which the Ticket is displayed in the editor (used for autosaves when the form doesn't have the ticket ID yet)
                                    [_nullable:protected] => 
                                    [_default_value:protected] => 0
                                    [_other_config:protected] => 
                                    [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                                    [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => integer
                                    [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                                    [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                            [TKT_row] => EE_Integer_Field Object
                                    [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                                    [_table_column:protected] => TKT_row
                                    [_name:protected] => TKT_row
                                    [_nicename:protected] => How tickets are displayed in the ui
                                    [_nullable:protected] => 
                                    [_default_value:protected] => 0
                                    [_other_config:protected] => 
                                    [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                                    [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => integer
                                    [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                                    [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                            [TKT_deleted] => EE_Trashed_Flag_Field Object
                                    [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                                    [_table_column:protected] => TKT_deleted
                                    [_name:protected] => TKT_deleted
                                    [_nicename:protected] => Flag indicating if this has been archived or not
                                    [_nullable:protected] => 
                                    [_default_value:protected] => 
                                    [_other_config:protected] => 
                                    [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                                    [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => boolean
                                    [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                                    [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                            [TKT_wp_user] => EE_WP_User_Field Object
                                    [_model_name_pointed_to:protected] => WP_User
                                    [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                                    [_table_column:protected] => TKT_wp_user
                                    [_name:protected] => TKT_wp_user
                                    [_nicename:protected] => Ticket Creator ID
                                    [_nullable:protected] => 
                                    [_default_value:protected] => 
                                    [_other_config:protected] => 
                                    [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                                    [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => integer
                                    [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                                    [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                            [TKT_parent] => EE_Integer_Field Object
                                    [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                                    [_table_column:protected] => TKT_parent
                                    [_name:protected] => TKT_parent
                                    [_nicename:protected] => Indicates what TKT_ID is the parent of this TKT_ID (used in autosaves/revisions)
                                    [_nullable:protected] => 1
                                    [_default_value:protected] => 0
                                    [_other_config:protected] => 
                                    [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                                    [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => integer
                                    [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                                    [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 



            [_model_relations:protected] => Array
                    [Datetime] => EE_HABTM_Relation Object
                            [_joining_model_name:protected] => Datetime_Ticket
                            [_model_relation_chain_to_join_model:protected] => Datetime_Ticket
                            [_this_model_name:EE_Model_Relation_Base:private] => Ticket
                            [_other_model_name:EE_Model_Relation_Base:private] => Datetime
                            [_timezone:protected] => America/Vancouver
                            [_blocking_delete_error_message:protected] => 
                            [_blocking_delete:protected] => 1

                    [Datetime_Ticket] => EE_Has_Many_Relation Object
                            [_this_model_name:EE_Model_Relation_Base:private] => Ticket
                            [_other_model_name:EE_Model_Relation_Base:private] => Datetime_Ticket
                            [_timezone:protected] => America/Vancouver
                            [_blocking_delete_error_message:protected] => 
                            [_blocking_delete:protected] => 1

                    [Price] => EE_HABTM_Relation Object
                            [_joining_model_name:protected] => Ticket_Price
                            [_model_relation_chain_to_join_model:protected] => 
                            [_this_model_name:EE_Model_Relation_Base:private] => Ticket
                            [_other_model_name:EE_Model_Relation_Base:private] => Price
                            [_timezone:protected] => America/Vancouver
                            [_blocking_delete_error_message:protected] => 
                            [_blocking_delete:protected] => 1

                    [Ticket_Template] => EE_Belongs_To_Relation Object
                            [_this_model_name:EE_Model_Relation_Base:private] => Ticket
                            [_other_model_name:EE_Model_Relation_Base:private] => Ticket_Template
                            [_timezone:protected] => America/Vancouver
                            [_blocking_delete_error_message:protected] => 
                            [_blocking_delete:protected] => 

                    [Registration] => EE_Has_Many_Relation Object
                            [_this_model_name:EE_Model_Relation_Base:private] => Ticket
                            [_other_model_name:EE_Model_Relation_Base:private] => Registration
                            [_timezone:protected] => America/Vancouver
                            [_blocking_delete_error_message:protected] => 
                            [_blocking_delete:protected] => 1

                    [WP_User] => EE_Belongs_To_Relation Object
                            [_this_model_name:EE_Model_Relation_Base:private] => Ticket
                            [_other_model_name:EE_Model_Relation_Base:private] => WP_User
                            [_timezone:protected] => America/Vancouver
                            [_blocking_delete_error_message:protected] => 
                            [_blocking_delete:protected] => 

                    [Extra_Meta] => EE_Has_Many_Any_Relation Object
                            [_this_model_name:EE_Model_Relation_Base:private] => Ticket
                            [_other_model_name:EE_Model_Relation_Base:private] => Extra_Meta
                            [_timezone:protected] => America/Vancouver
                            [_blocking_delete_error_message:protected] => 
                            [_blocking_delete:protected] => 

                    [Change_Log] => EE_Has_Many_Any_Relation Object
                            [_this_model_name:EE_Model_Relation_Base:private] => Ticket
                            [_other_model_name:EE_Model_Relation_Base:private] => Change_Log
                            [_timezone:protected] => America/Vancouver
                            [_blocking_delete_error_message:protected] => 
                            [_blocking_delete:protected] => 


            [_indexes:protected] => Array

            [_default_where_conditions_strategy:protected] => EE_Soft_Delete_Where_Conditions Object
                    [_model:protected] => EEM_Ticket Object
                    [_where_conditions_provided:protected] => Array


            [_minimum_where_conditions_strategy:protected] => EE_Default_Where_Conditions Object
                    [_model:protected] => EEM_Ticket Object
                    [_where_conditions_provided:protected] => Array


            [_model_chain_to_wp_user:protected] => 
            [model_chain_to_password:protected] => Datetime.Event
            [_ignore_where_strategy:protected] => 
            [_caps_slug:protected] => tickets
            [_cap_restrictions:protected] => Array
                    [read] => Array

                    [read_admin] => Array

                    [edit] => Array

                    [delete] => Array


            [_cap_restriction_generators:protected] => Array
                    [read] => EE_Restriction_Generator_Default_Public Object
                            [_default_field_name:protected] => TKT_is_default
                            [_path_to_event_model:protected] => Datetime.Event.
                            [_cap_restrictions_generated:protected] => 
                            [_model:protected] => EEM_Ticket Object
                            [_action:protected] => read

                    [read_admin] => EE_Restriction_Generator_Default_Protected Object
                            [_default_field_name:protected] => TKT_is_default
                            [_path_to_event_model:protected] => Datetime.Event.
                            [_cap_restrictions_generated:protected] => 
                            [_model:protected] => EEM_Ticket Object
                            [_action:protected] => read

                    [edit] => EE_Restriction_Generator_Default_Protected Object
                            [_default_field_name:protected] => TKT_is_default
                            [_path_to_event_model:protected] => Datetime.Event.
                            [_cap_restrictions_generated:protected] => 
                            [_model:protected] => EEM_Ticket Object
                            [_action:protected] => edit

                    [delete] => EE_Restriction_Generator_Default_Protected Object
                            [_default_field_name:protected] => TKT_is_default
                            [_path_to_event_model:protected] => Datetime.Event.
                            [_cap_restrictions_generated:protected] => 
                            [_model:protected] => EEM_Ticket Object
                            [_action:protected] => delete


            [_cap_contexts_to_cap_action_map:protected] => Array
                    [read] => read
                    [read_admin] => read
                    [edit] => edit
                    [delete] => delete

            [_timezone:protected] => America/Vancouver
            [_cache_foreign_key_to_fields:EEM_Base:private] => Array

            [_cached_fields:EEM_Base:private] => Array
                    [TKT_ID] => EE_Primary_Key_Int_Field Object
                            [_model_name_pointed_to:protected] => Ticket
                            [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                            [_table_column:protected] => TKT_ID
                            [_name:protected] => TKT_ID
                            [_nicename:protected] => Ticket ID
                            [_nullable:protected] => 
                            [_default_value:protected] => 0
                            [_other_config:protected] => 
                            [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                            [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => integer
                            [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                            [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                    [TTM_ID] => EE_Foreign_Key_Int_Field Object
                            [_model_name_pointed_to:protected] => Ticket_Template
                            [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                            [_table_column:protected] => TTM_ID
                            [_name:protected] => TTM_ID
                            [_nicename:protected] => Ticket Template ID
                            [_nullable:protected] => 
                            [_default_value:protected] => 0
                            [_other_config:protected] => 
                            [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                            [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => integer
                            [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                            [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                    [TKT_name] => EE_Plain_Text_Field Object
                            [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                            [_table_column:protected] => TKT_name
                            [_name:protected] => TKT_name
                            [_nicename:protected] => Ticket Name
                            [_nullable:protected] => 
                            [_default_value:protected] => 
                            [_other_config:protected] => 
                            [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                            [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => string
                            [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                            [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                    [TKT_description] => EE_Post_Content_Field Object
                            [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                            [_table_column:protected] => TKT_description
                            [_name:protected] => TKT_description
                            [_nicename:protected] => Description of Ticket
                            [_nullable:protected] => 
                            [_default_value:protected] => 
                            [_other_config:protected] => 
                            [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                            [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => object
                            [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                            [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                    [TKT_start_date] => EE_Datetime_Field Object
                            [_date_format:protected] => Y-m-d\TH:i:sP
                            [_time_format:protected] => 
                            [_pretty_date_format:protected] => F j, Y
                            [_pretty_time_format:protected] => g:i a
                            [_DateTimeZone:protected] => DateTimeZone Object
                                    [timezone_type] => 3
                                    [timezone] => America/Vancouver

                            [_UTC_DateTimeZone:protected] => 
                            [_blog_DateTimeZone:protected] => 
                            [_date_time_output:protected] => 
                            [_timezone_string:protected] => America/Vancouver
                            [_blog_offset:protected] => 
                            [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                            [_table_column:protected] => TKT_start_date
                            [_name:protected] => TKT_start_date
                            [_nicename:protected] => Start time/date of Ticket
                            [_nullable:protected] => 
                            [_default_value:protected] => now
                            [_other_config:protected] => 
                            [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                            [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => string
                            [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => date-time
                            [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                    [TKT_end_date] => EE_Datetime_Field Object
                            [_date_format:protected] => Y-m-d\TH:i:sP
                            [_time_format:protected] => 
                            [_pretty_date_format:protected] => F j, Y
                            [_pretty_time_format:protected] => g:i a
                            [_DateTimeZone:protected] => DateTimeZone Object
                                    [timezone_type] => 3
                                    [timezone] => America/Vancouver

                            [_UTC_DateTimeZone:protected] => 
                            [_blog_DateTimeZone:protected] => 
                            [_date_time_output:protected] => 
                            [_timezone_string:protected] => America/Vancouver
                            [_blog_offset:protected] => 
                            [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                            [_table_column:protected] => TKT_end_date
                            [_name:protected] => TKT_end_date
                            [_nicename:protected] => End time/date of Ticket
                            [_nullable:protected] => 
                            [_default_value:protected] => now
                            [_other_config:protected] => 
                            [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                            [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => string
                            [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => date-time
                            [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                    [TKT_min] => EE_Integer_Field Object
                            [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                            [_table_column:protected] => TKT_min
                            [_name:protected] => TKT_min
                            [_nicename:protected] => Minimum quantity of this ticket that must be purchased
                            [_nullable:protected] => 
                            [_default_value:protected] => 0
                            [_other_config:protected] => 
                            [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                            [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => integer
                            [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                            [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                    [TKT_max] => EE_Infinite_Integer_Field Object
                            [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                            [_table_column:protected] => TKT_max
                            [_name:protected] => TKT_max
                            [_nicename:protected] => Maximum quantity of this ticket that can be purchased in one transaction
                            [_nullable:protected] => 
                            [_default_value:protected] => INF
                            [_other_config:protected] => 
                            [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                            [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => Array
                                    [0] => integer
                                    [1] => null

                            [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                            [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                    [TKT_price] => EE_Money_Field Object
                            [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                            [_table_column:protected] => TKT_price
                            [_name:protected] => TKT_price
                            [_nicename:protected] => Final calculated price for ticket
                            [_nullable:protected] => 
                            [_default_value:protected] => 0
                            [_other_config:protected] => 
                            [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                            [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => object
                            [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                            [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                    [TKT_sold] => EE_Integer_Field Object
                            [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                            [_table_column:protected] => TKT_sold
                            [_name:protected] => TKT_sold
                            [_nicename:protected] => Number of this ticket sold
                            [_nullable:protected] => 
                            [_default_value:protected] => 0
                            [_other_config:protected] => 
                            [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                            [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => integer
                            [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                            [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                    [TKT_qty] => EE_Infinite_Integer_Field Object
                            [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                            [_table_column:protected] => TKT_qty
                            [_name:protected] => TKT_qty
                            [_nicename:protected] => Quantity of this ticket that is available
                            [_nullable:protected] => 
                            [_default_value:protected] => INF
                            [_other_config:protected] => 
                            [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                            [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => Array
                                    [0] => integer
                                    [1] => null

                            [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                            [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                    [TKT_reserved] => EE_Integer_Field Object
                            [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                            [_table_column:protected] => TKT_reserved
                            [_name:protected] => TKT_reserved
                            [_nicename:protected] => Quantity of this ticket that is reserved, but not yet fully purchased
                            [_nullable:protected] => 
                            [_default_value:protected] => 0
                            [_other_config:protected] => 
                            [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                            [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => integer
                            [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                            [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                    [TKT_uses] => EE_Infinite_Integer_Field Object
                            [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                            [_table_column:protected] => TKT_uses
                            [_name:protected] => TKT_uses
                            [_nicename:protected] => Number of datetimes this ticket can be used at
                            [_nullable:protected] => 
                            [_default_value:protected] => INF
                            [_other_config:protected] => 
                            [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                            [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => Array
                                    [0] => integer
                                    [1] => null

                            [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                            [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                    [TKT_required] => EE_Boolean_Field Object
                            [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                            [_table_column:protected] => TKT_required
                            [_name:protected] => TKT_required
                            [_nicename:protected] => Flag indicating whether this ticket must be purchased with a transaction
                            [_nullable:protected] => 
                            [_default_value:protected] => 
                            [_other_config:protected] => 
                            [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                            [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => boolean
                            [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                            [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                    [TKT_taxable] => EE_Boolean_Field Object
                            [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                            [_table_column:protected] => TKT_taxable
                            [_name:protected] => TKT_taxable
                            [_nicename:protected] => Flag indicating whether there is tax applied on this ticket
                            [_nullable:protected] => 
                            [_default_value:protected] => 
                            [_other_config:protected] => 
                            [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                            [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => boolean
                            [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                            [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                    [TKT_is_default] => EE_Boolean_Field Object
                            [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                            [_table_column:protected] => TKT_is_default
                            [_name:protected] => TKT_is_default
                            [_nicename:protected] => Flag indicating that this ticket is a default ticket
                            [_nullable:protected] => 
                            [_default_value:protected] => 
                            [_other_config:protected] => 
                            [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                            [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => boolean
                            [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                            [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                    [TKT_order] => EE_Integer_Field Object
                            [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                            [_table_column:protected] => TKT_order
                            [_name:protected] => TKT_order
                            [_nicename:protected] => The order in which the Ticket is displayed in the editor (used for autosaves when the form doesn't have the ticket ID yet)
                            [_nullable:protected] => 
                            [_default_value:protected] => 0
                            [_other_config:protected] => 
                            [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                            [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => integer
                            [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                            [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                    [TKT_row] => EE_Integer_Field Object
                            [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                            [_table_column:protected] => TKT_row
                            [_name:protected] => TKT_row
                            [_nicename:protected] => How tickets are displayed in the ui
                            [_nullable:protected] => 
                            [_default_value:protected] => 0
                            [_other_config:protected] => 
                            [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                            [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => integer
                            [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                            [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                    [TKT_deleted] => EE_Trashed_Flag_Field Object
                            [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                            [_table_column:protected] => TKT_deleted
                            [_name:protected] => TKT_deleted
                            [_nicename:protected] => Flag indicating if this has been archived or not
                            [_nullable:protected] => 
                            [_default_value:protected] => 
                            [_other_config:protected] => 
                            [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                            [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => boolean
                            [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                            [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                    [TKT_wp_user] => EE_WP_User_Field Object
                            [_model_name_pointed_to:protected] => WP_User
                            [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                            [_table_column:protected] => TKT_wp_user
                            [_name:protected] => TKT_wp_user
                            [_nicename:protected] => Ticket Creator ID
                            [_nullable:protected] => 
                            [_default_value:protected] => 
                            [_other_config:protected] => 
                            [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                            [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => integer
                            [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                            [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                    [TKT_parent] => EE_Integer_Field Object
                            [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                            [_table_column:protected] => TKT_parent
                            [_name:protected] => TKT_parent
                            [_nicename:protected] => Indicates what TKT_ID is the parent of this TKT_ID (used in autosaves/revisions)
                            [_nullable:protected] => 1
                            [_default_value:protected] => 0
                            [_other_config:protected] => 
                            [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                            [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => integer
                            [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                            [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 


            [_cached_fields_non_db_only:EEM_Base:private] => Array
                    [TKT_ID] => EE_Primary_Key_Int_Field Object
                            [_model_name_pointed_to:protected] => Ticket
                            [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                            [_table_column:protected] => TKT_ID
                            [_name:protected] => TKT_ID
                            [_nicename:protected] => Ticket ID
                            [_nullable:protected] => 
                            [_default_value:protected] => 0
                            [_other_config:protected] => 
                            [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                            [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => integer
                            [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                            [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                    [TTM_ID] => EE_Foreign_Key_Int_Field Object
                            [_model_name_pointed_to:protected] => Ticket_Template
                            [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                            [_table_column:protected] => TTM_ID
                            [_name:protected] => TTM_ID
                            [_nicename:protected] => Ticket Template ID
                            [_nullable:protected] => 
                            [_default_value:protected] => 0
                            [_other_config:protected] => 
                            [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                            [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => integer
                            [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                            [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                    [TKT_name] => EE_Plain_Text_Field Object
                            [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                            [_table_column:protected] => TKT_name
                            [_name:protected] => TKT_name
                            [_nicename:protected] => Ticket Name
                            [_nullable:protected] => 
                            [_default_value:protected] => 
                            [_other_config:protected] => 
                            [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                            [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => string
                            [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                            [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                    [TKT_description] => EE_Post_Content_Field Object
                            [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                            [_table_column:protected] => TKT_description
                            [_name:protected] => TKT_description
                            [_nicename:protected] => Description of Ticket
                            [_nullable:protected] => 
                            [_default_value:protected] => 
                            [_other_config:protected] => 
                            [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                            [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => object
                            [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                            [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                    [TKT_start_date] => EE_Datetime_Field Object
                            [_date_format:protected] => Y-m-d\TH:i:sP
                            [_time_format:protected] => 
                            [_pretty_date_format:protected] => F j, Y
                            [_pretty_time_format:protected] => g:i a
                            [_DateTimeZone:protected] => DateTimeZone Object
                                    [timezone_type] => 3
                                    [timezone] => America/Vancouver

                            [_UTC_DateTimeZone:protected] => 
                            [_blog_DateTimeZone:protected] => 
                            [_date_time_output:protected] => 
                            [_timezone_string:protected] => America/Vancouver
                            [_blog_offset:protected] => 
                            [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                            [_table_column:protected] => TKT_start_date
                            [_name:protected] => TKT_start_date
                            [_nicename:protected] => Start time/date of Ticket
                            [_nullable:protected] => 
                            [_default_value:protected] => now
                            [_other_config:protected] => 
                            [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                            [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => string
                            [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => date-time
                            [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                    [TKT_end_date] => EE_Datetime_Field Object
                            [_date_format:protected] => Y-m-d\TH:i:sP
                            [_time_format:protected] => 
                            [_pretty_date_format:protected] => F j, Y
                            [_pretty_time_format:protected] => g:i a
                            [_DateTimeZone:protected] => DateTimeZone Object
                                    [timezone_type] => 3
                                    [timezone] => America/Vancouver

                            [_UTC_DateTimeZone:protected] => 
                            [_blog_DateTimeZone:protected] => 
                            [_date_time_output:protected] => 
                            [_timezone_string:protected] => America/Vancouver
                            [_blog_offset:protected] => 
                            [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                            [_table_column:protected] => TKT_end_date
                            [_name:protected] => TKT_end_date
                            [_nicename:protected] => End time/date of Ticket
                            [_nullable:protected] => 
                            [_default_value:protected] => now
                            [_other_config:protected] => 
                            [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                            [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => string
                            [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => date-time
                            [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                    [TKT_min] => EE_Integer_Field Object
                            [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                            [_table_column:protected] => TKT_min
                            [_name:protected] => TKT_min
                            [_nicename:protected] => Minimum quantity of this ticket that must be purchased
                            [_nullable:protected] => 
                            [_default_value:protected] => 0
                            [_other_config:protected] => 
                            [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                            [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => integer
                            [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                            [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                    [TKT_max] => EE_Infinite_Integer_Field Object
                            [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                            [_table_column:protected] => TKT_max
                            [_name:protected] => TKT_max
                            [_nicename:protected] => Maximum quantity of this ticket that can be purchased in one transaction
                            [_nullable:protected] => 
                            [_default_value:protected] => INF
                            [_other_config:protected] => 
                            [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                            [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => Array
                                    [0] => integer
                                    [1] => null

                            [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                            [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                    [TKT_price] => EE_Money_Field Object
                            [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                            [_table_column:protected] => TKT_price
                            [_name:protected] => TKT_price
                            [_nicename:protected] => Final calculated price for ticket
                            [_nullable:protected] => 
                            [_default_value:protected] => 0
                            [_other_config:protected] => 
                            [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                            [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => object
                            [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                            [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                    [TKT_sold] => EE_Integer_Field Object
                            [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                            [_table_column:protected] => TKT_sold
                            [_name:protected] => TKT_sold
                            [_nicename:protected] => Number of this ticket sold
                            [_nullable:protected] => 
                            [_default_value:protected] => 0
                            [_other_config:protected] => 
                            [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                            [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => integer
                            [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                            [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                    [TKT_qty] => EE_Infinite_Integer_Field Object
                            [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                            [_table_column:protected] => TKT_qty
                            [_name:protected] => TKT_qty
                            [_nicename:protected] => Quantity of this ticket that is available
                            [_nullable:protected] => 
                            [_default_value:protected] => INF
                            [_other_config:protected] => 
                            [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                            [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => Array
                                    [0] => integer
                                    [1] => null

                            [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                            [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                    [TKT_reserved] => EE_Integer_Field Object
                            [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                            [_table_column:protected] => TKT_reserved
                            [_name:protected] => TKT_reserved
                            [_nicename:protected] => Quantity of this ticket that is reserved, but not yet fully purchased
                            [_nullable:protected] => 
                            [_default_value:protected] => 0
                            [_other_config:protected] => 
                            [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                            [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => integer
                            [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                            [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                    [TKT_uses] => EE_Infinite_Integer_Field Object
                            [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                            [_table_column:protected] => TKT_uses
                            [_name:protected] => TKT_uses
                            [_nicename:protected] => Number of datetimes this ticket can be used at
                            [_nullable:protected] => 
                            [_default_value:protected] => INF
                            [_other_config:protected] => 
                            [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                            [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => Array
                                    [0] => integer
                                    [1] => null

                            [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                            [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                    [TKT_required] => EE_Boolean_Field Object
                            [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                            [_table_column:protected] => TKT_required
                            [_name:protected] => TKT_required
                            [_nicename:protected] => Flag indicating whether this ticket must be purchased with a transaction
                            [_nullable:protected] => 
                            [_default_value:protected] => 
                            [_other_config:protected] => 
                            [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                            [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => boolean
                            [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                            [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                    [TKT_taxable] => EE_Boolean_Field Object
                            [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                            [_table_column:protected] => TKT_taxable
                            [_name:protected] => TKT_taxable
                            [_nicename:protected] => Flag indicating whether there is tax applied on this ticket
                            [_nullable:protected] => 
                            [_default_value:protected] => 
                            [_other_config:protected] => 
                            [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                            [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => boolean
                            [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                            [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                    [TKT_is_default] => EE_Boolean_Field Object
                            [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                            [_table_column:protected] => TKT_is_default
                            [_name:protected] => TKT_is_default
                            [_nicename:protected] => Flag indicating that this ticket is a default ticket
                            [_nullable:protected] => 
                            [_default_value:protected] => 
                            [_other_config:protected] => 
                            [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                            [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => boolean
                            [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                            [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                    [TKT_order] => EE_Integer_Field Object
                            [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                            [_table_column:protected] => TKT_order
                            [_name:protected] => TKT_order
                            [_nicename:protected] => The order in which the Ticket is displayed in the editor (used for autosaves when the form doesn't have the ticket ID yet)
                            [_nullable:protected] => 
                            [_default_value:protected] => 0
                            [_other_config:protected] => 
                            [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                            [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => integer
                            [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                            [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                    [TKT_row] => EE_Integer_Field Object
                            [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                            [_table_column:protected] => TKT_row
                            [_name:protected] => TKT_row
                            [_nicename:protected] => How tickets are displayed in the ui
                            [_nullable:protected] => 
                            [_default_value:protected] => 0
                            [_other_config:protected] => 
                            [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                            [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => integer
                            [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                            [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                    [TKT_deleted] => EE_Trashed_Flag_Field Object
                            [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                            [_table_column:protected] => TKT_deleted
                            [_name:protected] => TKT_deleted
                            [_nicename:protected] => Flag indicating if this has been archived or not
                            [_nullable:protected] => 
                            [_default_value:protected] => 
                            [_other_config:protected] => 
                            [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                            [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => boolean
                            [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                            [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                    [TKT_wp_user] => EE_WP_User_Field Object
                            [_model_name_pointed_to:protected] => WP_User
                            [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                            [_table_column:protected] => TKT_wp_user
                            [_name:protected] => TKT_wp_user
                            [_nicename:protected] => Ticket Creator ID
                            [_nullable:protected] => 
                            [_default_value:protected] => 
                            [_other_config:protected] => 
                            [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                            [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => integer
                            [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                            [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

                    [TKT_parent] => EE_Integer_Field Object
                            [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                            [_table_column:protected] => TKT_parent
                            [_name:protected] => TKT_parent
                            [_nicename:protected] => Indicates what TKT_ID is the parent of this TKT_ID (used in autosaves/revisions)
                            [_nullable:protected] => 1
                            [_default_value:protected] => 0
                            [_other_config:protected] => 
                            [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                            [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => integer
                            [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                            [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 


            [_primary_key_field:EEM_Base:private] => EE_Primary_Key_Int_Field Object
                    [_model_name_pointed_to:protected] => Ticket
                    [_table_alias:protected] => Ticket
                    [_table_column:protected] => TKT_ID
                    [_name:protected] => TKT_ID
                    [_nicename:protected] => Ticket ID
                    [_nullable:protected] => 
                    [_default_value:protected] => 0
                    [_other_config:protected] => 
                    [_model_name:protected] => Ticket
                    [_schema_type:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => integer
                    [_schema_format:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 
                    [_schema_readonly:EE_Model_Field_Base:private] => 

            [_has_primary_key_field:protected] => 1
            [foreign_key_aliases:protected] => Array

            [_wp_core_model:protected] => 
            [has_password_field:protected] => 
            [password_field:protected] => 
            [_valid_operators:protected] => Array
                    [=] => =
                    [<=] => <=
                    [<] => <
                    [>=] => >=
                    [>] => >
                    [!=] => !=
                    [LIKE] => LIKE
                    [like] => LIKE
                    [NOT_LIKE] => NOT LIKE
                    [not_like] => NOT LIKE
                    [NOT LIKE] => NOT LIKE
                    [not like] => NOT LIKE
                    [IN] => IN
                    [in] => IN
                    [NOT_IN] => NOT IN
                    [not_in] => NOT IN
                    [NOT IN] => NOT IN
                    [not in] => NOT IN
                    [between] => BETWEEN
                    [BETWEEN] => BETWEEN
                    [IS_NOT_NULL] => IS NOT NULL
                    [is_not_null] => IS NOT NULL
                    [IS NOT NULL] => IS NOT NULL
                    [is not null] => IS NOT NULL
                    [IS_NULL] => IS NULL
                    [is_null] => IS NULL
                    [IS NULL] => IS NULL
                    [is null] => IS NULL
                    [REGEXP] => REGEXP
                    [regexp] => REGEXP
                    [NOT_REGEXP] => NOT REGEXP
                    [not_regexp] => NOT REGEXP
                    [NOT REGEXP] => NOT REGEXP
                    [not regexp] => NOT REGEXP

            [_in_style_operators:protected] => Array
                    [0] => IN
                    [1] => NOT IN

            [_between_style_operators:protected] => Array
                    [0] => BETWEEN

            [_like_style_operators:protected] => Array
                    [0] => LIKE
                    [1] => NOT LIKE

            [_null_style_operators:protected] => Array
                    [0] => IS NOT NULL
                    [1] => IS NULL

            [_allowed_order_values:protected] => Array
                    [0] => asc
                    [1] => desc
                    [2] => ASC
                    [3] => DESC

            [_logic_query_param_keys:EEM_Base:private] => Array
                    [0] => not
                    [1] => and
                    [2] => or
                    [3] => NOT
                    [4] => AND
                    [5] => OR

            [_allowed_query_params:EEM_Base:private] => Array
                    [0] => 0
                    [1] => limit
                    [2] => order_by
                    [3] => group_by
                    [4] => having
                    [5] => force_join
                    [6] => order
                    [7] => on_join_limit
                    [8] => default_where_conditions
                    [9] => caps
                    [10] => extra_selects
                    [11] => exclude_protected

            [_valid_wpdb_data_types:EEM_Base:private] => Array
                    [0] => %d
                    [1] => %s
                    [2] => %f

            [EE:protected] => 
            [_show_next_x_db_queries:protected] => 0
            [_custom_selections:protected] => 
            [_entity_map:protected] => Array
                    [1] => Array
                            [18930] => EE_Ticket Object
                            [18931] => EE_Ticket Object
                                    [_ticket_total_with_taxes:EE_Ticket:private] => 
                                    [_props_n_values_provided_in_constructor:protected] => Array
                                            [TKT_ID] => 18931
                                            [TTM_ID] => 0
                                            [TKT_name] => BLS.......................................$55+GST
                                            [TKT_description] => 
                                            [TKT_start_date] => 2015-07-20 07:00:00
                                            [TKT_end_date] => 2019-10-29 01:00:00
                                            [TKT_min] => 0
                                            [TKT_max] => -1
                                            [TKT_price] => 57.750
                                            [TKT_sold] => 0
                                            [TKT_qty] => 24
                                            [TKT_reserved] => 0
                                            [TKT_uses] => -1
                                            [TKT_required] => 0
                                            [TKT_taxable] => 0
                                            [TKT_is_default] => 0
                                            [TKT_order] => 2
                                            [TKT_row] => 2
                                            [TKT_deleted] => 0
                                            [TKT_wp_user] => 1
                                            [TKT_parent] => 0

                                    [_timezone:protected] => America/Vancouver
                                    [_dt_frmt:protected] => F j, Y
                                    [_tm_frmt:protected] => g:i a
                                    [_cached_properties:protected] => Array
                                            [TKT_ID] => Array
                                                    [standard] => 18931


                                    [_model_relations:protected] => Array
                                            [Datetime] => Array

                                            [Datetime_Ticket] => Array

                                            [Price] => Array

                                            [Ticket_Template] => 
                                            [Registration] => Array

                                            [WP_User] => 
                                            [Extra_Meta] => Array

                                            [Change_Log] => Array


                                    [_fields:protected] => Array
                                            [TKT_ID] => 18931
                                            [TTM_ID] => 0
                                            [TKT_name] => BLS.......................................$55+GST
                                            [TKT_description] => 
                                            [TKT_start_date] => EventEspresso\core\domain\entities\DbSafeDateTime Object
                                                    [_datetime_string:protected] => 
                                                    [_error_log_dir:protected] => 
                                                    [date] => 2015-07-20 00:00:00.000000
                                                    [timezone_type] => 3
                                                    [timezone] => America/Vancouver

                                            [TKT_end_date] => EventEspresso\core\domain\entities\DbSafeDateTime Object
                                                    [_datetime_string:protected] => 
                                                    [_error_log_dir:protected] => 
                                                    [date] => 2019-10-28 18:00:00.000000
                                                    [timezone_type] => 3
                                                    [timezone] => America/Vancouver

                                            [TKT_min] => 0
                                            [TKT_max] => INF
                                            [TKT_price] => 57.75
                                            [TKT_sold] => 0
                                            [TKT_qty] => 24
                                            [TKT_reserved] => 0
                                            [TKT_uses] => INF
                                            [TKT_required] => 
                                            [TKT_taxable] => 
                                            [TKT_is_default] => 
                                            [TKT_order] => 2
                                            [TKT_row] => 2
                                            [TKT_deleted] => 
                                            [TKT_wp_user] => 1
                                            [TKT_parent] => 0

                                    [_allow_persist:protected] => 1
                                    [_has_changes:protected] => 
                                    [_model:protected] => EEM_Ticket Object
                                    [custom_selection_results:protected] => Array


                            [18932] => EE_Ticket Object
                                    [_ticket_total_with_taxes:EE_Ticket:private] => 
                                    [_props_n_values_provided_in_constructor:protected] => Array
                                            [TKT_ID] => 18932
                                            [TTM_ID] => 0
                                            [TKT_name] => ACLS Provider Manual..........$65+taxes
                                            [TKT_description] => 
                                            [TKT_start_date] => 2015-07-20 07:00:00
                                            [TKT_end_date] => 2019-10-29 01:00:00
                                            [TKT_min] => 0
                                            [TKT_max] => -1
                                            [TKT_price] => 72.800
                                            [TKT_sold] => 0
                                            [TKT_qty] => 99999
                                            [TKT_reserved] => 0
                                            [TKT_uses] => -1
                                            [TKT_required] => 0
                                            [TKT_taxable] => 0
                                            [TKT_is_default] => 0
                                            [TKT_order] => 4
                                            [TKT_row] => 4
                                            [TKT_deleted] => 0
                                            [TKT_wp_user] => 1
                                            [TKT_parent] => 0

                                    [_timezone:protected] => America/Vancouver
                                    [_dt_frmt:protected] => F j, Y
                                    [_tm_frmt:protected] => g:i a
                                    [_cached_properties:protected] => Array
                                            [TKT_ID] => Array
                                                    [standard] => 18932


                                    [_model_relations:protected] => Array
                                            [Datetime] => Array

                                            [Datetime_Ticket] => Array

                                            [Price] => Array

                                            [Ticket_Template] => 
                                            [Registration] => Array

                                            [WP_User] => 
                                            [Extra_Meta] => Array

                                            [Change_Log] => Array


                                    [_fields:protected] => Array
                                            [TKT_ID] => 18932
                                            [TTM_ID] => 0
                                            [TKT_name] => ACLS Provider Manual..........$65+taxes
                                            [TKT_description] => 
                                            [TKT_start_date] => EventEspresso\core\domain\entities\DbSafeDateTime Object
                                                    [_datetime_string:protected] => 
                                                    [_error_log_dir:protected] => 
                                                    [date] => 2015-07-20 00:00:00.000000
                                                    [timezone_type] => 3
                                                    [timezone] => America/Vancouver

                                            [TKT_end_date] => EventEspresso\core\domain\entities\DbSafeDateTime Object
                                                    [_datetime_string:protected] => 
                                                    [_error_log_dir:protected] => 
                                                    [date] => 2019-10-28 18:00:00.000000
                                                    [timezone_type] => 3
                                                    [timezone] => America/Vancouver

                                            [TKT_min] => 0
                                            [TKT_max] => INF
                                            [TKT_price] => 72.8
                                            [TKT_sold] => 0
                                            [TKT_qty] => 99999
                                            [TKT_reserved] => 0
                                            [TKT_uses] => INF
                                            [TKT_required] => 
                                            [TKT_taxable] => 
                                            [TKT_is_default] => 
                                            [TKT_order] => 4
                                            [TKT_row] => 4
                                            [TKT_deleted] => 
                                            [TKT_wp_user] => 1
                                            [TKT_parent] => 0

                                    [_allow_persist:protected] => 1
                                    [_has_changes:protected] => 
                                    [_model:protected] => EEM_Ticket Object
                                    [custom_selection_results:protected] => Array


                            [18933] => EE_Ticket Object
                                    [_ticket_total_with_taxes:EE_Ticket:private] => 
                                    [_props_n_values_provided_in_constructor:protected] => Array
                                            [TKT_ID] => 18933
                                            [TTM_ID] => 0
                                            [TKT_name] => BLS Manual............................$30+taxes
                                            [TKT_description] => 
                                            [TKT_start_date] => 2015-07-20 07:00:00
                                            [TKT_end_date] => 2019-10-29 01:00:00
                                            [TKT_min] => 0
                                            [TKT_max] => -1
                                            [TKT_price] => 33.600
                                            [TKT_sold] => 0
                                            [TKT_qty] => 99999
                                            [TKT_reserved] => 0
                                            [TKT_uses] => -1
                                            [TKT_required] => 0
                                            [TKT_taxable] => 0
                                            [TKT_is_default] => 0
                                            [TKT_order] => 6
                                            [TKT_row] => 6
                                            [TKT_deleted] => 0
                                            [TKT_wp_user] => 1
                                            [TKT_parent] => 0

                                    [_timezone:protected] => America/Vancouver
                                    [_dt_frmt:protected] => F j, Y
                                    [_tm_frmt:protected] => g:i a
                                    [_cached_properties:protected] => Array
                                            [TKT_ID] => Array
                                                    [standard] => 18933


                                    [_model_relations:protected] => Array
                                            [Datetime] => Array

                                            [Datetime_Ticket] => Array

                                            [Price] => Array

                                            [Ticket_Template] => 
                                            [Registration] => Array

                                            [WP_User] => 
                                            [Extra_Meta] => Array

                                            [Change_Log] => Array


                                    [_fields:protected] => Array
                                            [TKT_ID] => 18933
                                            [TTM_ID] => 0
                                            [TKT_name] => BLS Manual............................$30+taxes
                                            [TKT_description] => 
                                            [TKT_start_date] => EventEspresso\core\domain\entities\DbSafeDateTime Object
                                                    [_datetime_string:protected] => 
                                                    [_error_log_dir:protected] => 
                                                    [date] => 2015-07-20 00:00:00.000000
                                                    [timezone_type] => 3
                                                    [timezone] => America/Vancouver

                                            [TKT_end_date] => EventEspresso\core\domain\entities\DbSafeDateTime Object
                                                    [_datetime_string:protected] => 
                                                    [_error_log_dir:protected] => 
                                                    [date] => 2019-10-28 18:00:00.000000
                                                    [timezone_type] => 3
                                                    [timezone] => America/Vancouver

                                            [TKT_min] => 0
                                            [TKT_max] => INF
                                            [TKT_price] => 33.6
                                            [TKT_sold] => 0
                                            [TKT_qty] => 99999
                                            [TKT_reserved] => 0
                                            [TKT_uses] => INF
                                            [TKT_required] => 
                                            [TKT_taxable] => 
                                            [TKT_is_default] => 
                                            [TKT_order] => 6
                                            [TKT_row] => 6
                                            [TKT_deleted] => 
                                            [TKT_wp_user] => 1
                                            [TKT_parent] => 0

                                    [_allow_persist:protected] => 1
                                    [_has_changes:protected] => 
                                    [_model:protected] => EEM_Ticket Object
                                    [custom_selection_results:protected] => Array


                            [18934] => EE_Ticket Object
                                    [_ticket_total_with_taxes:EE_Ticket:private] => 
                                    [_props_n_values_provided_in_constructor:protected] => Array
                                            [TKT_ID] => 18934
                                            [TTM_ID] => 0
                                            [TKT_name] => AHA ECC Handbook..............$45+taxes
                                            [TKT_description] => 
                                            [TKT_start_date] => 2015-07-20 07:00:00
                                            [TKT_end_date] => 2019-10-29 01:00:00
                                            [TKT_min] => 0
                                            [TKT_max] => -1
                                            [TKT_price] => 50.400
                                            [TKT_sold] => 0
                                            [TKT_qty] => 99999
                                            [TKT_reserved] => 0
                                            [TKT_uses] => -1
                                            [TKT_required] => 0
                                            [TKT_taxable] => 0
                                            [TKT_is_default] => 0
                                            [TKT_order] => 5
                                            [TKT_row] => 5
                                            [TKT_deleted] => 0
                                            [TKT_wp_user] => 1
                                            [TKT_parent] => 0

                                    [_timezone:protected] => America/Vancouver
                                    [_dt_frmt:protected] => F j, Y
                                    [_tm_frmt:protected] => g:i a
                                    [_cached_properties:protected] => Array
                                            [TKT_ID] => Array
                                                    [standard] => 18934


                                    [_model_relations:protected] => Array
                                            [Datetime] => Array

                                            [Datetime_Ticket] => Array

                                            [Price] => Array

                                            [Ticket_Template] => 
                                            [Registration] => Array

                                            [WP_User] => 
                                            [Extra_Meta] => Array

                                            [Change_Log] => Array


                                    [_fields:protected] => Array
                                            [TKT_ID] => 18934
                                            [TTM_ID] => 0
                                            [TKT_name] => AHA ECC Handbook..............$45+taxes
                                            [TKT_description] => 
                                            [TKT_start_date] => EventEspresso\core\domain\entities\DbSafeDateTime Object
                                                    [_datetime_string:protected] => 
                                                    [_error_log_dir:protected] => 
                                                    [date] => 2015-07-20 00:00:00.000000
                                                    [timezone_type] => 3
                                                    [timezone] => America/Vancouver

                                            [TKT_end_date] => EventEspresso\core\domain\entities\DbSafeDateTime Object
                                                    [_datetime_string:protected] => 
                                                    [_error_log_dir:protected] => 
                                                    [date] => 2019-10-28 18:00:00.000000
                                                    [timezone_type] => 3
                                                    [timezone] => America/Vancouver

                                            [TKT_min] => 0
                                            [TKT_max] => INF
                                            [TKT_price] => 50.4
                                            [TKT_sold] => 0
                                            [TKT_qty] => 99999
                                            [TKT_reserved] => 0
                                            [TKT_uses] => INF
                                            [TKT_required] => 
                                            [TKT_taxable] => 
                                            [TKT_is_default] => 
                                            [TKT_order] => 5
                                            [TKT_row] => 5
                                            [TKT_deleted] => 
                                            [TKT_wp_user] => 1
                                            [TKT_parent] => 0

                                    [_allow_persist:protected] => 1
                                    [_has_changes:protected] => 
                                    [_model:protected] => EEM_Ticket Object
                                    [custom_selection_results:protected] => Array


                            [18935] => EE_Ticket Object
                                    [_ticket_total_with_taxes:EE_Ticket:private] => 
                                    [_props_n_values_provided_in_constructor:protected] => Array
                                            [TKT_ID] => 18935
                                            [TTM_ID] => 0
                                            [TKT_name] => Six Second ECG Guidebook..$40+taxes
                                            [TKT_description] => 
                                            [TKT_start_date] => 2015-07-20 07:00:00
                                            [TKT_end_date] => 2019-10-29 01:00:00
                                            [TKT_min] => 0
                                            [TKT_max] => -1
                                            [TKT_price] => 44.800
                                            [TKT_sold] => 0
                                            [TKT_qty] => 99999
                                            [TKT_reserved] => 0
                                            [TKT_uses] => -1
                                            [TKT_required] => 0
                                            [TKT_taxable] => 0
                                            [TKT_is_default] => 0
                                            [TKT_order] => 7
                                            [TKT_row] => 7
                                            [TKT_deleted] => 0
                                            [TKT_wp_user] => 1
                                            [TKT_parent] => 0

                                    [_timezone:protected] => America/Vancouver
                                    [_dt_frmt:protected] => F j, Y
                                    [_tm_frmt:protected] => g:i a
                                    [_cached_properties:protected] => Array
                                            [TKT_ID] => Array
                                                    [standard] => 18935


                                    [_model_relations:protected] => Array
                                            [Datetime] => Array

                                            [Datetime_Ticket] => Array

                                            [Price] => Array

                                            [Ticket_Template] => 
                                            [Registration] => Array

                                            [WP_User] => 
                                            [Extra_Meta] => Array

                                            [Change_Log] => Array


                                    [_fields:protected] => Array
                                            [TKT_ID] => 18935
                                            [TTM_ID] => 0
                                            [TKT_name] => Six Second ECG Guidebook..$40+taxes
                                            [TKT_description] => 
                                            [TKT_start_date] => EventEspresso\core\domain\entities\DbSafeDateTime Object
                                                    [_datetime_string:protected] => 
                                                    [_error_log_dir:protected] => 
                                                    [date] => 2015-07-20 00:00:00.000000
                                                    [timezone_type] => 3
                                                    [timezone] => America/Vancouver

                                            [TKT_end_date] => EventEspresso\core\domain\entities\DbSafeDateTime Object
                                                    [_datetime_string:protected] => 
                                                    [_error_log_dir:protected] => 
                                                    [date] => 2019-10-28 18:00:00.000000
                                                    [timezone_type] => 3
                                                    [timezone] => America/Vancouver

                                            [TKT_min] => 0
                                            [TKT_max] => INF
                                            [TKT_price] => 44.8
                                            [TKT_sold] => 0
                                            [TKT_qty] => 99999
                                            [TKT_reserved] => 0
                                            [TKT_uses] => INF
                                            [TKT_required] => 
                                            [TKT_taxable] => 
                                            [TKT_is_default] => 
                                            [TKT_order] => 7
                                            [TKT_row] => 7
                                            [TKT_deleted] => 
                                            [TKT_wp_user] => 1
                                            [TKT_parent] => 0

                                    [_allow_persist:protected] => 1
                                    [_has_changes:protected] => 
                                    [_model:protected] => EEM_Ticket Object
                                    [custom_selection_results:protected] => Array


                            [18936] => EE_Ticket Object
                                    [_ticket_total_with_taxes:EE_Ticket:private] => 
                                    [_props_n_values_provided_in_constructor:protected] => Array
                                            [TKT_ID] => 18936
                                            [TTM_ID] => 0
                                            [TKT_name] => ACLS Instructor Kit..............$???+taxes
                                            [TKT_description] => 
                                            [TKT_start_date] => 2015-07-20 07:00:00
                                            [TKT_end_date] => 2019-10-29 01:00:00
                                            [TKT_min] => 0
                                            [TKT_max] => -1
                                            [TKT_price] => 0.000
                                            [TKT_sold] => 3
                                            [TKT_qty] => 99999
                                            [TKT_reserved] => 0
                                            [TKT_uses] => -1
                                            [TKT_required] => 0
                                            [TKT_taxable] => 0
                                            [TKT_is_default] => 0
                                            [TKT_order] => 3
                                            [TKT_row] => 3
                                            [TKT_deleted] => 0
                                            [TKT_wp_user] => 4
                                            [TKT_parent] => 0

                                    [_timezone:protected] => America/Vancouver
                                    [_dt_frmt:protected] => F j, Y
                                    [_tm_frmt:protected] => g:i a
                                    [_cached_properties:protected] => Array
                                            [TKT_ID] => Array
                                                    [standard] => 18936


                                    [_model_relations:protected] => Array
                                            [Datetime] => Array

                                            [Datetime_Ticket] => Array

                                            [Price] => Array

                                            [Ticket_Template] => 
                                            [Registration] => Array

                                            [WP_User] => 
                                            [Extra_Meta] => Array

                                            [Change_Log] => Array


                                    [_fields:protected] => Array
                                            [TKT_ID] => 18936
                                            [TTM_ID] => 0
                                            [TKT_name] => ACLS Instructor Kit..............$???+taxes
                                            [TKT_description] => 
                                            [TKT_start_date] => EventEspresso\core\domain\entities\DbSafeDateTime Object
                                                    [_datetime_string:protected] => 
                                                    [_error_log_dir:protected] => 
                                                    [date] => 2015-07-20 00:00:00.000000
                                                    [timezone_type] => 3
                                                    [timezone] => America/Vancouver

                                            [TKT_end_date] => EventEspresso\core\domain\entities\DbSafeDateTime Object
                                                    [_datetime_string:protected] => 
                                                    [_error_log_dir:protected] => 
                                                    [date] => 2019-10-28 18:00:00.000000
                                                    [timezone_type] => 3
                                                    [timezone] => America/Vancouver

                                            [TKT_min] => 0
                                            [TKT_max] => INF
                                            [TKT_price] => 0
                                            [TKT_sold] => 3
                                            [TKT_qty] => 99999
                                            [TKT_reserved] => 0
                                            [TKT_uses] => INF
                                            [TKT_required] => 
                                            [TKT_taxable] => 
                                            [TKT_is_default] => 
                                            [TKT_order] => 3
                                            [TKT_row] => 3
                                            [TKT_deleted] => 
                                            [TKT_wp_user] => 4
                                            [TKT_parent] => 0

                                    [_allow_persist:protected] => 1
                                    [_has_changes:protected] => 
                                    [_model:protected] => EEM_Ticket Object
                                    [custom_selection_results:protected] => Array





    [custom_selection_results:protected] => Array

$400.00 + GST

DURATION: 1 Day + Evening


  • Is motivated to teach
  • Is motivated to facilitate learning
  • Is motivated to ensure that students acquire the skills necessary for successful course completion
  • Views student assessment as a way to improve individual knowledge and skills

The ACLS Provider course is the second component of three in the process of becoming an ACLS Instructor. The three components required in becoming an ACLS Instructor include:

  1. ACLS Provider or Renewal Certification
  2. ACLS Instructor Course completion
  3. ACLS Course Co-Facilitation and Monitoring with an experienced ACLS Instructor (arranged by you and an experienced ACLS Instructor)

After successful ACLS Co-Facilitation and Monitoring, an instructor fee of $75 will be required by the Heart and Stroke Foundation to receive ACLS Instructor Certification credentials.

The ACLS Instructor Course is delivered in partnership with the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada. The following prerequisites are required:

  • Basic Life Support Course completion within 12 months (optional add-on on the first evening – see option below when registering)
  • ACLS Provider or Renewal Course within 24 months
  • Emergency and/or critical care hospital or pre-hospital practice for at least one year
  • ECG Rhythm Interpretation proficiency

The Heart and Stroke Foundation is in the process of updating their instructor materials, and are expecting to release them in the Spring of 2019. We are unsure of the cost at this time, but you should expect to invest in these materials once they are available.

Once they become available we will send you a note to see if you would like to order them through us. You are also welcome to order these directly from the Heart and Stroke portal for discounted pricing. The prices below also reflect expedited shipping and handling costs.

The ACLS Instructor course includes an overview of the key components of an ACLS course with core skill review of BLS, electrical therapy, airway management, team dynamics, feedback, debriefing and communication. These skills are reviewed in a hands-on exercises with ample opportunities for skill practice, feedback and questions. The session also combines facilitation techniques with core ACLS topics to practice skill review, case studies, practice scenarios and student evaluation / remediation. The Heart and Stroke portal will be introduced and instructor materials reviewed.

Before attending the ACLS Instructor course, review the course materials with particular focus on the core ACLS skills, the ACLS Provider DVD and the ACLS Instructor manual. Be ready to be supported by instructor trainers with skills that they employ in ACLS courses. Expect the course to be worth the time spent, serving as an important foundation to your impact as an ACLS Instructor.

You are welcome to audit one or more ACLS courses with us before or after the ACLS Instructor course before your co-facilitation and monitoring. Simply email us to let us know which course you would like to attend. The course calendar is found via the link at the top of this page.

Please consider also becoming a BLS Instructor to help health care providers meet the one prerequisite course needed within 12 months of an ACLS course. Register for a BLS Instructor course and receive $75 off of the BLS Instructor tuition for combining both instructor courses.

If you care to become a PALS Instructor to broaden your scope of emergency care instruction to include pediatric emergencies, register for the PALS Instructor course. Receive $75 off of the PALS Instructor tuition for combining both instructor courses ($150 for combining BLS, ACLS and PALS Instructor courses).

What if you need to change dates or cancel? Check out our refund and transfer policy.

We’ve implemented the latest technology to ensure your online registration and payment are secure.

If you have any questions at all, please email us at support@skillstat.com or call us at 604 990 0063. You are also welcome to register by phone.

We are committed to creating a positive learning experience that is relevant to who you are and to what you do. Register today!

515 West Hastings Street
British Columbia
V6B 5K3

Phone: 604-990-0063

“Definitely motivated to apply ACLS/PALS in practice – always have! I believe every colleague should do it.”  – Jeff

- Jeff – ACLS Provider (SkillStat 2U!), Bella Coola
We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

Our apologies for the recent ECG SIM outages. We've made some adjustments to our IT infrastructure. Please send us a note if it is not working.

Our new 12 Lead ECG SIM Deck is active!

We're planning a scheduled maintenance period.

Our website will be unavailable on Wed, Oct 16, 2024 starting at 8:00pm (PDT). We anticipate this will take about 1 hour.
Thank you for your understanding.

The SkillStat Team

  Six Second ECG Intensive Six Second ECG Mastery 12 Lead ECG & ACS 12 Lead Advanced



Any Six Second ECG Course

12 Lead ECG & ACS

Time Frame

8 hours (1-day Course or 2 evenings)

20 hours 3-day Course

8 hours 1-day Course

8 hours 1-day Course






Completion Card
Exam and Certification
SkillStat 2U-able
Reference materials included
Dynamic ECG rhythm interpretation
Static ECG rhythm interpretation
Clinical Impact Mapping
Acute Coronary Syndromes Overview
Acute Coronary Syndromes In-Depth
ST Segment & T Wave Differential
Identify Bundle Branch Blocks
15 | 18 Lead View Mapping
Electrical Axis
R Wave Progression
Left Bundle Branch Blocks with ACS
Atypical Findings
Acute Non-Ischemic Disease Conditions
Special Cases

•-included;     ○-reviewed

Speed Profile

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